学 位 论 文

李刚 副教授 指导
[来源: 厦门大学国际税法与比较税制研究中心]


耒娅  2006级经济法专业财税法方向硕士生;2009年4月完成


内 容 摘 要










Corporate social responsibility (CSR) was introduced from foreign countries to China in recent years and brought abroad discussion rapidly. People focused most on the responsibilities that corporations should take for environmental pollution, worker rights, consumer interest, internal corporate governance and so forth, concerning CSR in theory and practice field in China. On the other hand, there are few researches analyzing CSR from the aspect of tax law. Analyzing the corporation tax law from the perspective of CSR is not only filling in the blank of theoretical research in this respect, reflecting the defects in inspiring corporations to carry out social responsibilities with tax law, but also pondering the construction, development and improvement of institutions relating to tax law from a new angle.

Therefore, the concept of CSR and the relationship between CSR and corporation tax law are defined at the beginning, that paying taxes is a fashion of carrying out CSR, while the state may use the regulation function of tax law to stimulate corporations to take on social responsibilities. Secondly, by studying the experience of other countries and areas in developing the theory of CSR and corporation tax law, the theoretical and practical significance of CSR to China’s corporation tax law is discussed. Finally, some existing problems of China’s tax law in this regard are found out, and further put forward measures and suggestions to improve our corporation tax law in driving corporations to take on social responsibilities.

There are three innovations in this thesis as follows. First of all, the relationship between CSR and corporation tax law is used as an observation point to analyze corporation tax law from a new route. Then, it connects CSR and corporation tax law with three objectives of tax law and three traditional theories of the essence of corporation instead of discussing them respectively. Last but not the least, taking tax law issues of corporate donation as an example, it discusses the defect and improvement of corporation tax law in stimulating corporations to carry out social responsibilities based on China’s current reality.


Key words: corporate social responsibility; incentive of tax law; corporate donation.


目  录


导 言

第一章 公司社会责任理论及其与公司税法的关联

第一节 公司社会责任的含义

第二节 公司社会责任与公司税法的关联




小 结

第二章 公司社会责任理论对其他国家或地区税法规定的影响

第一节 美国

第二节 台湾地区

第三节 其他国家

小 结

第三章 公司社会责任对公司税法的理论与实践意义

第一节 公司社会责任对公司税法的理论意义



第二节 公司社会责任对公司税法的实践意义



第三节 以公司捐赠的税法问题为例

小 结

结 语



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[ 编辑:李刚 2010-05-10 11:33:55 访问次数:7793 返回列表]