学 位 论 文

李刚 副教授 指导
[来源: 厦门大学国际税法与比较税制研究中心]


朱智跃  2006级经济法专业财税法方向硕士生;2009年4月完成













The paper focuses on the the principle of taxpayer’s burden capacity. In general, the double taxation model is mainly applied to corporate enterprises, while the single taxation model is mainly used in non-corporate enterprises. We attempt to discuss why the application of different income taxation for different economic organizations. However, there has been no accurate comprehension of the principle of taxpayer’s burden capacity,which is the foundation of the income tax system mentioned above.

In the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of United States, the principles of corporate income taxation are different from China, such as the principles adopted by S Corporation, limited liability Corporation and publicly traded partnership. That is because the relationship between enterprises and their investors is researched to determine the ability of bearing taxation. If an enterprise has estranged relationship with its investors, both have the ability to burden the income tax, otherwise not. Therefore, the double taxation model should be adopted to them. On the other hand, the others who do not have this ability should use the single taxation model. In order to delimit the relationship between enterprise and their investors, the Concept of “relative independence theory” should be introduced. The “relative independence theory” descripts investors’ action and their influence on enterprise. Also, the theory is a path helping us understand the enterprises’ ability to burden income taxation.

In Chapter IV, for the purpose of testing the rationality and scientificity of relative-independence-theory and the principle of taxpayer’s burden capacity, the situation of corporate income tax in China is introduced, and the theory is made use of to serve Chinese practice.  Such conclusion will be drawn finally that the theories discussed above have their value in Chinese practice of enterprise income taxation.


Key Words: Taxpayer’s Burden Capacity; Relative-Independence-Theory;

Enterprises Income Tax.


目  录

引  言

第一章  传统企业所得课税理论的反思

第一节  综述:传统企业所得课税理论现状

第二节  传统企业所得课税理论的反思

第二章  美国公司所得税制的实践与启示

第一节  美国公司所得税制的实践经验

第二节  对美国公司所得税制经验的分析

第三节  美国公司所得税制的启示

第三章  借鉴美国经验,重构我国企业所得课税理论

第一节  从三个方面革新我国企业所得课税理论

第二节  相对独立性理论详解

第四章  重构企业所得课税理论的实践意义

第一节  现行公司所得税制存在的问题及其解决

第二节  特殊营业信托所得课税问题研究

第三节  合伙企业所得税制新解

结  语





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[ 编辑:李刚 2011-11-09 03:33:21 访问次数:7589 返回列表]